Low Back Pain - Diagnosis and Conservative Treatment
The reason for your low back pain may be from a variety of potential causes. This list includes musculoskeletal problems like a sprain or strain, joint dysfunction, hypermobility, hypomobility, myofascial trigger points, muscle spasm, scoliosis, intervertebral disc annular tears, disc herniation, nerve root irritation/impingement, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, facet syndrome, degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis), spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, poor posture, leg length inequality, problems along the kinetic chain meaning another area of the body affecting the low back, or fracture. As you can see the list is long. That is why trusting an experienced clinician in low back pain diagnosis and treatment is essential. We understand there can also be non-musculoskeletal problems causing low back pain. Things like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, inflammatory arthritis like Ankylosing Spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, cancer, kidney disease, painful menstruation, meningitis, osteoporosis, pancreatitis, prostatitis, testicular pain, ovarian cysts, fibromyalgia, abdominal aorta problems, and more. Again that is why letting an experienced doctor evaluate you rather than just googling your symptoms is important.
The spine is a complex structure made of bone, ligaments, muscles, joints, and fluid dynamics. Problems causing musculoskeletal injury and trauma to the joints can be a result of overuse and/or immobilization. Things like re-injury, excessive aberrant movement, joint hypermobility or instability and premature degenerative joint disease are examples how overuse plays a factor. Things like disuse of stabilization muscles, prolonged muscle guarding, joint fixations and restrictions, ligamentous shortening and myofascial contracture, and chronic hypomobility are factors resulting in immobilization or lake of movement to the spine.
An estimated 80% of the human population will experience significant low back pain in their lifetime. Low back pain can be as high as the second chief presenting complaint to a health care provider. The good news is 80-90% of low back pain cases recover within 6-8 weeks regardless of treatment.
So what conservative treatments for low back pain do Chiropractors and physical therapist typically use? Read about them here. Of course, there exists other conservative treatment options like nutritional needs analysis, topical analgesics, acupuncture, brain based therapy, hypobaric oxygen therapy, etc. However, the list here is what most often what a Chiropractor or physical therapist might recommend to you. Before you decide which treatment or combination of treatments you decide to go with, it is important for you to be an equal team member in the decision making process of your own health.
The spine is a complex structure made of bone, ligaments, muscles, joints, and fluid dynamics. Problems causing musculoskeletal injury and trauma to the joints can be a result of overuse and/or immobilization. Things like re-injury, excessive aberrant movement, joint hypermobility or instability and premature degenerative joint disease are examples how overuse plays a factor. Things like disuse of stabilization muscles, prolonged muscle guarding, joint fixations and restrictions, ligamentous shortening and myofascial contracture, and chronic hypomobility are factors resulting in immobilization or lake of movement to the spine.
An estimated 80% of the human population will experience significant low back pain in their lifetime. Low back pain can be as high as the second chief presenting complaint to a health care provider. The good news is 80-90% of low back pain cases recover within 6-8 weeks regardless of treatment.
So what conservative treatments for low back pain do Chiropractors and physical therapist typically use? Read about them here. Of course, there exists other conservative treatment options like nutritional needs analysis, topical analgesics, acupuncture, brain based therapy, hypobaric oxygen therapy, etc. However, the list here is what most often what a Chiropractor or physical therapist might recommend to you. Before you decide which treatment or combination of treatments you decide to go with, it is important for you to be an equal team member in the decision making process of your own health.
It is important to let an experienced clinician assess your low back pain sooner rather than later. Waiting too long to seek treatment can result in deep referred pain and the possibility of chronic pain in which the nervous system essentially re-wires it's response to pain making you feel more sensitive to pain in the future.
Great go to exercise for low back pain
Do you have low back pain?
It's important to be able to maintain a neutral spine during independent motion at the trunk and limbs. The Quadruped Bird Dog, is a great beginning rehabilitation exercise for patients with low back pain. Give it a shot!
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
It's important to be able to maintain a neutral spine during independent motion at the trunk and limbs. The Quadruped Bird Dog, is a great beginning rehabilitation exercise for patients with low back pain. Give it a shot!
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.